Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blackberry Bliss

Ok, so I'm realizing that a lot of my recent posts have been food related, but things have been kinda crazy between work, freelance projects and theology homework, so pretty much the only medium I have time to be creative with right now (outside of work) is food- I mean, I have to eat, right?

That said, I had a rush of excitement the other day when driving home from work. As I rounded a bend in my neighborhood, I saw three girls off to the side with baskets, picking things off of bushes. I immediately began scanning the growth on either side of the road and to my surprise I saw patch after patch of wild blackberries! I got home, grabbed a bag and walked right back outside. It ends up we have numerous bushes right in front of the house and I got to picking! I only gathered a handful then, but I went back out yesterday to further investigate (just about roasted in the heat) and found that there are far more berries than I could even pick! I navigated the thorny limbs and came back in with a couple of cups of berries. I decided that I was in the mood for preserves, so I got to it.

Wild Blackberry Preserves
Mash 2 cups of berries with a potato masher and place in small pot with 2/3 cups sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for about 20-30 minutes or until thickened and jelly-like. (I used my splatter screen over the pot to keep things from getting stickier than they already were). Pour into a glass jar and keep refrigerated. These will last for a few days in the fridge, or preserves can be frozen in jars for delayed gratification.

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