Saturday, June 25, 2011

Going Veg

Here begins a story that really began 4 weeks ago when my BFF decided to go vegan. She dove in head-first and hollered back the proverbial "come on in, the water's fine!" and here I am, three weeks into a six week journey as a vegan.

I must say that these last weeks have been a culinary joy and I haven't particularly missed eating animal products. It's been an adjustment, of course (reading every nutrition label and asking what's in stuff at restaurants), but really I feel that this experiment has made me a much more conscious eater. During this time I've also felt very inspired to try new things and be more creative in my cooking.

Some of the dishes that I've really enjoyed are listed and pictured below. Even if I go back to meat, cheese, and egg eating after these weeks are up, I know that I've found (and have yet to find) many new ingredients and recipes to add to my repertoire!

Pan seared polenta cakes on a bed of garlicky spinach and cherry tomatoes was a real summer treat.

Slow-roasting eggplant delivers silky smooth results. Placing the vegetables cut-side down over a sprig of fresh thyme adds brightness.

This Asian-inspired udon noodle bowl with snow peas, tofu and shiitake mushrooms was so delicious and satisfying!! A creamy, ginger and coconut milk base is spiced up with some chili sauce.

One of my favorites is taco night! Guacamole salad and black beans leave no room for meat and sour cream on these bad boys.

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